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IG Inszenierung Kapellbrücke/Wasserturm

The winning project

From the nine competing projects, the jury selected the Dutch team with their project DER PARTIKEL PLAN (“the particle plan”) as the winner of the idea competition. The project convinced the jury with its captivating combination of a very careful treatment of the historical landmarks and their surroundings, the artistic potential and its refreshing poetry.

Central to this project proposal is an interactive animation. Moving onto and into the bridge, a pedestrian will influence not only the lighting and setting-into-scene of the bridge’s interior with its old tableaus, but will also trigger the imaginative staging of the exterior. By means of the latest technology, various animated (or static) images, for example with relation to the seasons or festivities, can be projected onto the bridge.

> Project plans of the winning project

Facts and figures about the project
> more

THE PARTICLE PLAN is the winner of the idea competition
> the winning project

> PDF of the Jurors’ report
(in German)