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IG Inszenierung Kapellbrücke/Wasserturm


The jury consists of the following members:

Project-related jurors (with right to vote):

Ruedi Meier

former member of the City Council of Lucerne (president, representative organiser)

Adelbert Bütler

President of the board of directors until May 2014, since then Member of the board of directors, Luzern Tourismus AG
Expert jurors (with right to vote):
Gabriela Christen Director, Hochschule Luzern, Art and Design
Ulrike Groos Director, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Tristan Kobler Architect,  Holzer Kobler Architekturen -  Zurich
André Lüthi CEO, Globetrotter Group/President of the board of directors, Globetrotter - Berne
Jürg Rehsteiner City architect of Lucerne

Facts and figures about the project
> more

THE PARTICLE PLAN is the winner of the idea competition
> the winning project

> PDF of the Jurors’ report
(in German)