Competing project teams

Based on their entry in the prequalification process, the jury chose nine project teams to participate in the idea competition. The participating teams, some of which are international, come from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. They cover a remarkable variety with projects that are of a careful reticence to projects featuring striking effects.

Project title Project team

Der Partikel Plan
Winner project

Team Partikel Plan, Netherlands
Team leader: Rombout Frieling
A collaboration between Studio Drift (Amsterdam, NL), DUS (Amsterdam, NL), Digiluce (Utrecht, NL), and Rombout Frieling (Eindhoven, NL)

Scenery in a state of flux

Agence GmbH, Karlsruhe (GE)/Paris (FR)
Team leader: Professor Henri Bava
Members of the team: Wolf Gutjahr (Professor for scenography at the FH Mainz), Kirsten Schomakers, Jo Ehmann

Lichten Appelt/Schmauderrohr/Ziegler, Zurich (CH)
Team leader: Martin Rohr
Members of the team: Siegrun Appelt (artist, Vienna (AT) Yvonne Ziegler (University of Freiburg i.Br. (GE)

Das Lichtwunder Arge iart plus, Basel (CH)
Team leader: Valentin Spiess
Memberes of the team: Jean-Luc Gay (NAU, Zurich), Hansjürg Buchmeier (Professor for visual design, Hochschule Luzern)

Kennziffer 849185 Bartenbach GmbH, Aldrans (Tirol, AT)
Team leader: Robert Müller
Members of the team: Daniel Jäger, Arnold Wetzel, Marco Stöffler, Siegfried Mayr, Stefan Prem (Bartenbach, Aldrans), Wolfgang Rang, Fenrandez Miguel, Jan Strunz (Atelier Wolfgang Rang, Frankfurt a.M. (GE)

Lucerne Stories –
Kapellbrücke enlighted
Chalet / Brückner, Zürich (CH)/ Stuttgart (GE)
Team leader: François Chalet (visual artist, Zurich (CH).
Members of the team: Uwe R. Brückner (Atelier Brückner, Stuttgart (GE)

Lichteinfassung NE-AR / licht¬soehne, Frankfurt/Berlin (GE)
Team leader: Florian Licht
Members of the team: Lars Nixdorff, Luis Etchegorry (NE-AR Gmbh, Frankfurt (GE)

In&Out Radiance35, Lüttich (B)
Team leader: Isabelle Corten
Members of the team: Nicolas Frapolli, Juliette de Salle, Sarah Halin, Aurore Renard (Radinace), Michel Redolfi (Beaulieu/mer (F)

Panta Rhei Team Luminoso, Lucerne (CH)
Team leader: Jörg Huwyler
Members of the team: Stefan Ragaz (Ragaz Medien, Lucerne), Martin Brun (Fish&Light, Lucerne), Gian Mauro, Orphée Cataldo (Dirty Monitor, Brussels (BE), Jean Kohler (Aquatique Show International, Strassburg (F)


> Project plans of the competing teams